But the report also showed a surprising build in crude-oil supplies and that could offset any gains."
This was big news for December 20th. That and the continuing transit strike in NY. And the trial of that drunk old man Saddam Hussein. And Kobe scoring 62 points in three quarters and Johnny Damon actually being traded to the Yankees. Oh, and in finance GM stock continuing to fall like a rock.
I'm most concerned about the light, sweet crude though. I think because it sounds kind of delicious.
Light, sweet crude.
Kind of sexy too.
Light, sweet and crude.
I think someone needs to productize this light, sweet crude, I can envision a big seller. Anything that combines delicious and sexy in such a way could practically sell itself. I can see it now -- MTV, Shakira -- dancing around in her sexy way all covered in light, sweet crude and just loving it. Then maybe Enrique Inglesias comes out with one of those red containers filled with light, sweet crude and starts dancing with Shakira and pouring it all over himself. Maybe he could start singing -- something like "luz, petroleo bruto dulce / tan sexy, tan sexy / amo el gusto y el aroma." I'm sure he can make that sound all sinful and sexy. Then maybe they find themselves at a beach at sunset, with a tanker off in the distance that has just struck a reef. The two of them dash (sexy dash, not hurried dash) down to the shoreline and start splashing around in all the delicious, sexy light, sweet crude that is gushing out from the crashed tanker. It would all be very Calvin Klein-ish. Very tasteful.
After seeing that, what 16 year old, male or female, could help but run out and buy some light, sweet crude for themselves?
I think I've found the business idea I've been searching for.