1) Rachel McAdams - despite the fact that she's Canadian, I'm down with McAdams. Besides being a pretty decent actress, she is hot, hot, hot. As for her movie background, not only was she in "Hot Chick" with Rob Schneider, but she also starred as a deliciously evil high school bitch in "Mean Girls."
2) Jason Lee - for once the list is actually recognizing people worth being recognized. While Lee will have a really tough time outdoing his awesome roles in the Kevin Smith films, "My Name is Earl" isn't a move in the wrong direction. Unfortunately for Lee, the scoop is that he's sidelined on acting right now with a case of the chicken pox. Mr. Lee, where have you been hanging out?
3) Howard Stern - I can see where this is coming from, but he's just gotten way too much coverage lately. I'm sure the move to Sirius was great, la dee da, let's get on with our lives. As a sidenote, I hear Sterny sold most of the Sirius stock that he got as part of his joining to company and that certainly was no small chunk of change.
4) Michelle Williams - At least there were two hot people in "the gay cowboy flick" - Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. Take her out back and shoot her with the rest of the former "Dawson's" cast. Yes, that includes you Katie Holmes. And why don't we just put Tom back there with them.
5) Steve Carell - I don't know what to say. Great pick. Just a great pick.
With really just two slots to fill here - for Stern and Williams - I'll throw out my two picks.
Steve Jobs - the man that brought us not only the iPod and the Apple Computer, but also the loveable animation from Pixar. But his many business achievements are not why I chose Stevey for the list. Rather, I put him up here simply because I need to be on his good side, as I fear him and his army of Mac zombies. Ever been to a Mac conference? Ever talked to the owner of a Mac? Yeah, you know what I mean. Talk about nerds with a chip on their shoulder. I feel like one word from Jobs and arctic-white clad nerds everywhere will be strapping iBombs to their chests and blowing themselves up in warehouses for Dell and Microsoft.