Ok, it's time for me to step into the Subgenus confessional booth. Five minutes ago, I logged onto Amazon.com and purchased not just one, but both of the Michelle Branch CDs. That's right - me - Michelle Branch - two CDs. And it's Ok. And I extend this to all the dudes out there who have been as of yet able to bring themselves to buy a Michelle Branch CD. Don't worry, I know it's pop and I know it's a chick with a guitar. But it just feels so right...
Anyway, I extend this as the day when it is now Ok for guys to purchase Michelle Branch's music. Go men! Run free and enjoy!
If you're into impulse purchases, well, here you go:
Just so you know, we get Mafia style kickbacks when you make a purchase through those links. But nobody ever got hurt from some kickbacks right?