Thursday, January 05, 2006

Beverly Hills

From CNN:

"Weezer lead singer Rivers Cuomo is continuing his celibacy past his self-declared deadline. The 35-year-old frontman earlier vowed to remain celibate for two years. Although that deadline expired six months ago, Cuomo still doesn't expect to jump back in the sack anytime soon."

Way to take advantage of being a rock star. That's like being an investment banker and not caring about the money. I know first hand how well that works out. All about the music my ass. He continues:

"Abstinence doesn't require as much self-discipline anymore," he says. "All you need is a few good magazines and a hatred of all things that make life worth living."

My thirst for the rock star way of life is gone forever now. I'm back to working toward the Samuri Bushido ideal.

And for your daily history lesson:

Bushido, literally translated "Way of the Warrior," developed in Japan between the Heian and Tokugawa Ages (9th-12th century). It was a code and way of life for Samurai, a class of warriors similar to the medieval knights of Europe. It was influenced by Zen and Confucianism, two different schools of thought of those periods. Bushido is not unlike the chivalry and codes of the European knights. "It puts emphasis on loyalty, self sacrifice, justice, sense of shame, refined manners, purity, modesty, frugality, martial spirit, honor and affection"

I'm especially good at the killing part.
