Saturday, January 07, 2006

Rachael Ray

It is only ever a matter of time before the dirty laundry of anyone famous gets flung out on the collective public lawn for examination. This is pretty much unavoidable - case in point: Lindsay Lohan, case in point: the Olsen twins, case in point: Angelina Jolie, case in point: Martha Stewart, and the list goes on and on and on. Personally, I think that Rachel Ray (of "30 Minute Meals," "$20 a Day," Rachael Ray Magazine, countless cookbooks, etc, etc) has gotten far too rich and far too famous to have avoided this fate this far.

On TV, in her cookbooks, and pretty much any other time that I've seen her she just this jolly happy little chef bouncing around her perfect kitchen making perfect, tasty food and talking about how much she loves cooking. But what goes on behind the scenes? What is Rachael's vice? Is it a little of the drinky drinky? Does she kick her dog? Hang out with the ol' white rabbit (and maybe Kate Moss)? Or maybe she's another wild card doing some insider stock trading... My vote is no to all of the above. I'm actually with the good 'ol Mr. Anderson on this one - I think that when the cameras aren't rolling (at least the Food Network cameras) Ms. Ray is a big, big freaky freak. We're talking whips, toys, multiple partners, the whole nine. Just watch her perfect chef self running around the kitchen and fawning over olive oil and fresh greens and well cooked pasta - you know she gets it on.

But that's just me... well, me and Mr. Anderson. He'll back me up.
