Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What the Hell is MYOFUB???

For anyone new to Subgenus, you may be wondering - "what in the hell is MYOFUB? Some sort of cult?"

I'm glad you asked.

MYOFUB is the official Subgenus slogan for the presidency of the United States for 2008. MYOFUB stands for "Mind Your Own Fucking Business," and that's the best policy that we believe is available for running the U.S. government.

Maybe we should take care of problems at home before blowing up other countries... ya think? Maybe the government should clean up their own heaping piles of debt before tightening the noose around American businesses... ya think? Maybe our Presidents should take a look into their own personal lives and pasts before telling others how they should lead their lives behind closed doors... ya think? So when 2008 rolls around, vote Subgenus and get the government to mind its own fucking business.